Think Safety Bangladesh

Safety As A Value

Welcome to Think Safety Bangladesh !

Enhance your SAFETY skills

Think Safety and stay safe

Achieve excellence on safety-leadership

Technical Seminar

Road Traffic

Safety Training & Development

We provide comprehensive training and development on ISO Standard Courses in collaboration with PECB (Professional Evaluation and Certification Board, Canada).

We provide consultancy and training on Safety-Leadership, Risk Management in Industrial Safety, Road Safety and Public Safety Awareness Development to enhance safety practices and culture in Bangladesh.

Think Safety Bangladesh

Connects Safety To Your Core-Value Set

  • Meeting


What Is Safety?

Safety is Freedom from Unacceptable Risk or Harm

What is Hazard?

Any unsafe acts, behaviours and conditions which having potential to cause harm.

What is Risk?

Likelihood of harm in defined circumstances.

What is near miss?

Any events had the potential to harm you but marginally escaped .

What is Accidents?

Any incidents which caused harm, injury, loss of life, damaged properties and environment.

How can we help you?

We are here to assist you.